Dan McGrath - Funnel CLUB

About this site
In Use


Why build your own playhouse?
Well, I just don't like the ones you see for sale in shops, they are flimsy and expensive, my DIY playhouse is neither of these things. Plus the ones in the shops look like sheds, mine has smooth interior walls - just like a real house
Additionally it is exactly the size I want, and built to my spec, oh and it has working lights, doorbell and a skylight!!
...and I think it looks really sweet.

If you like the look of these pictures:
play house skylight oak beam door shelf safe power supply
then read on...

....A little bit about this site

Clicking on any of the small images will open a larger version in a new browser window. (try on some of the examples above)
I hope you like the site and enjoy reading about my little project.
The site is deliberately quite simple in its design, I think this makes it clean and easy to read. I try where possible to avoid using any nasties like popups etc..
I didn't use anything other than good old notepad to design this site, dreamweaver is great - but you don't need it...


I wanted a playhouse for my daughter, I also want a 911 turbo....
The ones I was seeing in the shops were rubbish, they look like little sheds, everything on them is bent, the doors don't shut properly, the windows don't open, the interior walls are rough and peppered with battens (due to the thin walls) and they are expensive
I wanted a playhouse that looked a bit like a mini version of our house, that is (after all) what a playhouse should be isn't it?
I wanted a skylight in the roof because they look cool, I chose to shingle the roof also, so that it matched my shed roof.

The best thing about my playhouse is that I made it from good quality 18mm plywood, this is strong enough for a playhouse of this size and means that there is no need for internal supports etc... leaving nice smooth walls on the inside which can be easily painted - just like a real house!
It is this idea that really sets my design apart from the others.

In Use

I don't have any pictures of the build of this project, I hope you enjoy these pictures of the completed article:

Safe 12v Electric Play House front Playhouse front

More here:

Skylight Play house side Shingled Roof

And more here:

Playhouse footings Oak beam skylight inside


Over door shelf Window closed playhouse window

Even more....

playhouse door door open Sweet playhouse

I hope you enjoyed the pics!


Well, I hope you've enjoyed what I've done.
Good luck if you decide to do something similar, my playhouse cost me less than 200quid, I don't think you'll find a decent one for that little money in the shops.
All the best,


If you enjoyed reading about my project, and would like to leave a comment, please do!
I will post any interesting ones below.

Stop SPAM - What is 10 + 5?:

K Barlow, The north
Well done Dan!
Posted: 13:17 16/05/2008

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